Religion, Civilisation & Other Thoughts

First off – before anyone gets upset about the word ‘religion’ – it’s in the bible: James 1:27 says:

27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

So the evangelicals are half right – we shouldn’t do things religiously – ie only in the vain hope of being saved – however – adhering to God’s commandments – the pure religion is a given to at least attempt – not to be saved obviously (as where would one draw the line and we all sin) but out of reverence and according to James and many other places in the Bible. I mean – who thinks it’s a bad thing NOT to honour ones parents?.. or NOT to bear false witness? No brainer.

So – would the world be better off without religion? (here I’m only talking about Christianity – and an attempt at being separate from the world – being godly). Well – it’s a fashionable idea these days followed by the heard that we should abolish religion – usually believed by young (and older) impressionable people who have not studied history – but usually pushed by those that have – and who don’t want to be subject to God’s judgement – and like the fuzzy warm feeling of security one gets from believing that there is immunity from believing errors if it’s done in large enough numbers – hoping the – they said it was right so I just went along with it is line will be an acceptable excuse. Luckily – God doesn’t offer salvation based on the number of adherents to a particular doctrine or idea – can you imagine heaven full of people all puffed up and pleased because they got their doctrine right? What if there was a schism in heaven? (joke). God offers a more simple test – what will you do with my son – who spoke The Truth (self evidently) – and was a perfect sacrifice for your sins?

We should study the bible not to be saved – but out of reverence to God and the people who gave their lives preserving and propagating it so the world had a light

As far as I know most employers expect without question that any job applicant to at least have found out the name of the company and know a little about the company’s ethos and history – yet when it comes to heaven we are often told none of this is applicable and just being ‘religious’ (I think what they really mean is being like a Pharisee which is right). Well it’s true (and thank God) – to be saved we have to do far less than what what’s needed when going for a job – simply upon hearing the gospel (remember people will be judged according to the light they have the Bible says very fairly) believe on the Lord Jesus – that he is the truth and the way and the life and God resurrected him – thats pretty easy. However it makes no sense NOT to study the bible and learn about God and the history of salvation starting in Genesis – out of reverence and respect – just as we would do when we expect to be given a job. One thing is sure – do not reject or suppress truth when you find it (we all see through a glass darkly so no one has all the light) – it appears this is the ultimate affront to God as it leads others to have problems in receiving God’s free gift.

But all religions think they are right and everyone else is wrong – so no one can know the truth!

The Bible says truth is self evident. Who hearing Jesus words can deny they are not honest and true? 90% religions are (contrary to popular belief of those that haven’t studied them) claim to be the only source of truth – ie are actually exclusive and claim the another religion(s) or often denomination is totally wrong – in other words to them numbers have no bearing on what is true or not (eg they know a most of the world is Christian / Catholic / Jewish / Buddhist / Muslim yet all believe they are right and the other is wrong and most feel the other are damned as a result). It’s often thought that the number of adherents to an ideology are a good indication of the truth of something (another reason why democracy is imperfect yet obviously far better than rule by a dictator).

What sort of government does the Bible say is best?

The biblical way for best government is to have a just King rule the people. Does such a thing exist? Some in history have approached ‘just’ but only God in the form of man will attain this fully). Jesus said the way is narrow – and few be there that find it – like any real treasure by it’s very nature is always searched for and found by few. Remember what Jesus said will be the fate of any man that puts a stumbling block before innocent children? Not a good prognosis – possibly the worst thing a person can do.

So what about religion and civilisation?

The following video (see others in this great series) puts the idea that Christianity has not helped to bed.

By Ed Bonthrone(101Admin)

Hi all - I'm setting up this site to help Christians connect as we become an endangered species! I love creating things, interested in science, history, esp history of Christianity. Keen on art, painting and playing music but rarely get time - improvising, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical/art/design related. Quick note - my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive my bad grammar/spelling - feel free to let me know when you spot a gaff:)

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